What is unfettered?

I am exhausted from being asked to cleave myself into pieces. Head here, heart there. How is that possible? In a lifetime of treading capitalist waters, this has been the cruelest demand. To remove the empathy I was given, the moral compass I inherited, the intuition on my skin. We’ve spent 500 years tuning out wisdom that was accumulated over millennia. I want it back, and I want to lead with it. 

Before becoming this site, I tried writing down everything I learned about how groups of diverse humans work together and how it can be improved. Everything felt shallow, everything remained in service of getting someone, somewhere, richer. What I learned, in attempting to be a rational voice of idealism, was that my racialized, gendered, class-based trauma had not been tended to. And, like so many people I’ve worked with over the years, I needed to process it in public. Why in public? Because someone out there needs these words now. 

Surviving capitalism is hard enough without having to pretend like it doesn’t hurt while you’re doing it.

I hope that Black and brown folks in particular find some solace in these words.

Thank You

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poetry about this very precedented time